They were almost done they're training, I was preparing they're graduation ceremony when an invasion of killer Frankensteins started invading the base camp!! they were everywhere, My Minions fought a great battle.
Let me just note before you look at the next picture, this was already late at night and I was hyped up on sugar ( I LOVE sweets!) So I was less than prepared when the Enemy had Ariel forces! They blew past my army like it was a leaf on the ground and they were the wind.
My wo/men Landed with a
My "GRANDE ARMEE" was no more. I had no choice, I must abando-
oops, I forgot, We stopped playing Napoleon. . .After s/he abandoned her men at the battle of the Nile. . .
Sasha must have heard my epic defeat and came just in time too.
She didn't even look surprised either, She just sat down, sat me up and started bandaging my ankle, which I had completely skinned :o To make me feel better Sasha used her special Hello-Kitty band-aids, they helped a lot.
We called my mom, she was Kind of mad but she wasn't surprised either, But you should have seen the look on Sasha's' moms face! She treated my injury as though I decapitated. . my ankle! We had to reassure her that it was nothing a little ice couldn't heal. ^.o
"So how are you doing Lanie? Does it hurt? can you move your toes for me?"
After he examined me he took my mom into the hall.
"how did you saw she did this?"
. . .
"I see"
Well. . . ............ be fine if......................... okay.
They came back in after a few minutes.
"Lanie you should be fine, it's only a sprained ankle you should be fine. but no more-"
"SCHOOL?!" I asked eagerly.
"No more Running, Jumping or P.E."
"WHAT?! for how long?
"At least two weeks"
I almost fainted on the spot but I didn't want to make a scene.
Tune in next time to see how long it takes for me to go stir crazy. Place your bets now ;)
Sorry you got hurt, take care of yourself and keep off your foot until it heals up good or you could have even more issues with it. I had a broken leg two years ago and it was horrible even with a walking cast .. I hated it.